The “saw blade” pattern used to depict the interplay between conscious and subconscious perceptions.
The double helix theory assumes an interplay between our consciousness and the subconsciousness that accompanies it. Between the two spirals, the conscious side (depicted as yellow) flows back and forth with the subconscious side (depicted as blue). Not to make a fine point of it, I illustrate this with a “sawblade” pattern, but it is surely a more fluid process than that.
We can study two abnormalities to better understand the communication between the conscious and the subconscious.The first is about people who have had the connection cut between the right and left sides of the brain.
Although the individuals who have had this done continue to experience reality as a unified field of consciousness, tricks can be played on them so that they say contradictory things about the same item without realizing it. For a detailed demonstration, watch the following short film, “You Are Two” (5 mins.):
Similar tricks can be played on people with normal brains, such as using mirrors to get rid of phantom limb chronic pain or to generate an out-of-body experience or to stimulate the nerve endings to activate a robotic limb.
Perhaps nature itself (with some medical help) has provided us with an even stranger example of intuitive communication between the brains of conjoined twins Abby and Brittany Hensel (45 mins., but first 5 mins. will give you the idea):
What impressed me straight away was how their different personalities (fast and loud, slow and quiet) have converged to accommodate each other for maximal cooperation and coordination. Fortunately the parents are accepting, loving, protective and parental at the same time. The only way they could have beat the odds.
The twins could be hampered by getting in each other’s way at every step of the day, but instead they continually find ways to move each other forward together and in tandem. Although they will never be as coordinated as a star athlete, their communication is so embedded between them that there is an intuition that goes beyond the five senses. It is almost as though their brain waves are super-positioned in relation to each other.
Since there are no secrets between them and they have to do everything together, there is a stronger flow of subconscious material that they both process simultaneously. This gives them more ways to be honest with others as well, since they can temper and help explain each other while they monitor the responses of those on their receiving end.
Just watch them for any length of time and if your mirror neurons are functioning, you can’t help but experience your own “two brains” differently. If Abby and Brittany can be such good friends (soul mates), then shouldn’t there be more compassion between our conscious and subconscious minds?
Thanks to Donald T. Saposnek, PhD, for showing me the videos and asking how they relate to my theory.
Twins and the “Kangaroo Effect”
A similar kind of experience can be found in the story of identical twins Brielle and Kyrie Jackson, who were born premature in 1995. For three weeks they were in separate incubators to get them strong enough to go home. They both seemed to be progressing satisfactorily until the smaller one took a sudden turn for the worse. She turned blue from lack of oxygen and the attending nurse was sure we was soon to die. Given that this would be the only chance for the sister to meet her twin, the nurse placed the healthy twin in the dying twin’s incubator. Here is a picture of what happened next:
The “kangaroo effect” refers to the positive health benefits of skin-to-skin contact as exemplified by the kangaroo pouch which cradles infant kangaroos and helps them get strong and ready for the world.
So the healthy twin hugged the sickly one and brought her back to life. The relationship pattern continued throughout their childhoods and into their young adult lives, as can be seen in the following pictures (they were best friends even before they knew their neonatal story):
For more on this story, click this link.